Developer Guide

Many banks now provide an API to allow you too obtain data from your account by utilising an API. This access can give you great insights into your financials.

The Monzo API package helps simplify usage of the API.

CICD and Code Standards

We have attempted to reduce the work required to ensure the code conforms to our coding standards. You can help ensure that any code changes will pass CICD by making use of pre-commit. The following steps will set this up for you:

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
pre-commit run --all-file

The above commands will create pre-commit hooks, this will test the code prior to code being committed by Git. Some of the tasks will even correct the data instead of throwing an error.

If you would like to run the checks without cmmitting code you can run the following command:

pre-commit run --all-file

Building Documentation

Unless testing you should have no need to build the docs, ReadTheDocs does this automatically, however, if you find you need to build the documentation from source the following steps can be taken:

cd docs
pip install -e .[docs]
sphinx-build -b html source/ build/html


Tagging should only take place once a feature branch has been merged. The tag should match the version that can be found in setup.cfg

To create and push a tag the following steps should be taken replacing x.x.x with the version in setup.cfg:

git checkout main
git pull
git tag -a vx.x.x -m "x.x.x SHORT MESSAGE"
git push origin vx.x.x

Distributing Package

Distributing the package should no longer be required. Github actions automatically upload the generated .tar.gz and .whl files.

Prior to being able to upload a package to Pypi you first need to create an API key,once obtained create a file called .pypirc in %homepath% with the following details, replacing API_TOKEN with the real API token.

  username = __token__
  password = API_TOKEN

You can now run the following to upload the package.

git checkout main
git pull
pip install -e .[build]
twine upload dist/*